Exotic PvP WoW

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Exotic PvP WoW

Welcome to Exotic WoW enjoy your stay !!

    Ingame Rules


    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2010-02-03

    Ingame Rules Empty Ingame Rules

    Post  Admin Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:55 pm

    As a general principle, any deliberate, repeated or calculated act performed to cheat, exploit or gain an unfair advantage in-game will be harshly punished.
    Ban Level Explanation:

    Level 1: Account Muted for up to 2 weeks
    Level 2: 14 day Character Ban
    Level 3: 30 day Character Ban
    Level 4: 60 day Character Ban
    Level 5: Permanent Character Ban
    Level 6: Permanent Account Ban

    *Note: Intentionally breaking a rule, which means the GM believes you were aware that you were breaking a rule or were aware that what you were doing was against our rules, will be punished more severely.

    Below I have listed the actions that are considered illegal. This list is not all inclusive, and GMs are able to punish people for doing things that are not on this list. The level of the ban that would normally apply is listed in () to the right of the offense.

    General Information

    Respect the Staff, your fellow players. This is a game, everyone plays here to have fun, please try to make Exotic WoW a fun experience for all members of our Community (1)
    Cheating to gain an unfair advantage by using third party programs, exploiting client or game mechanics or exploiting database or other bugs is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. (6)
    If you find a bug that gives players an unfair advantage, please immediately report the issue to Exotic WoW Staff so that it can be fixed.
    Threatening Exotic WoW, the Server, Forums, Staff or Players is a Bannable Offense. We don't take this lightly. (6)
    Harassing Exotic WoW Staff or other Players is not tolerated.
    Exotic WoW Staff will never ask for your in-game account details, including your password, do not give these out to anyone for any reason. (Advice)
    You are responsible for all actions taken on your account, do not lend or give your account or account details to anyone else. (Advice)
    Exotic WoW game-accounts may not be traded, swapped, exchanged or sold for any reason. (6)
    Wow gold or items may not be sold for real currency. (6)
    Exotic WoW accepts no responsibility for any account or login details that have been given to other people, including accounts that are traded, sold, shared with friends or guild mates or any accounts in which details are shared or made public either intentionally or accidentally. (6)

    In-Game Chat and Conduct

    Using swear words or other inappropriate language, remember we have young players on here too. (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Racial and sexual abuse, slurs and inappropriate comments are strictly forbidden. (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Spamming - undesired, unsolicited bulk messages, repeating the same word or sentence many time to interfere with normal operations (1)
    Flaming (messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting) (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Using CAPS - do not type all in capitals (does not include proper composition or valid acronym use eg: SSC, BT, BWL are allowed) (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Changing the color or your text so that it appears different to other players (this includes linkable tags) (3)
    Faking <GM> tag (or other tags not suitable for players) (6)
    Asking or begging GMs for free stuff. (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Asking or begging other players for free stuff - do NOT beg anyone for gold. (1)
    Asking/demanding/bugging for help or support from GM's in Public Chat channels GMs is NOT allowed (use the ticket system or ask in the /Support channel). (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Using any language other than English (Make your own channel for your language) (1, but can raise quickly depending on the violation)
    Talking about or sharing any type of cheat or exploit. (6)
    Spamming or continuous discussions about cheaters, take a Screen Shot and report them. (1)
    Settling disputes in Public Chat Channels. (1)
    General inappropriate religious, racial, nonsense, inappropriate humor, spam or garbage conversations which the entire server does not have interest in and should not need to hear. (1)
    Advertising or linking to any other private WoW server. (6)
    Impersonating Staff (6)
    Donation Fraud or Chargeback (6)
    Account Trading (6)
    Joining a GM Only Channel Without Authorization (1)
    Using Colored Text in Public Chat Channels (This includes improper use of Add-Ons to change item text or colors) (1)
    Harrassing, Begging or otherwise bothering a GM (1-6)

    Game Play

    Exploiting bugs or cheating of any kind to gain an unfair advantage in the game. (2-5, depending on offense)
    Using third-party programs that give you an unreasonable advantage over other players (6)
    All Character names must comply with WoW-Pwnage's Character Name Policy (2, plus a forced name change)
    Guild names that do not comply with the same Character Name Policy (Guild will be deleted, Guild leader will receive 2-5 depending on the name)
    Guild names that suggest a connection with the Staff at any level (particularly GM) (6 for the guild leader, possible lesser punishment for members)
    Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug you or your pet's damage, Hit Points, Mana, or any other stats. (5)
    Attacking players or own faction NPCs not intended to be attackable (3)
    Exploiting game mechanics to make mobs not attack you (5 for the exploiter, with punishments for anyone in the raid taking advantage of the exploiter)
    Learning or Using any spells which are not intended for your class (mage using priest spells, for example). (5)
    Learning or Using any spells which are not intended for your race (Starshards on an Undead priest spells, for example). (5)
    Equipping items in slots where they are not supposed to be equipped (5)
    Using any Quest or Special Items in ways they are not intended (eg. using quest items against players) (5)
    Making yourself unattackable when you should be (this includes being unflagged for PvP in a PvP zone) (4)
    Using tricks, glitches or exploits to get throw or any other attacks to run many times simultaneously when they should not (5)
    Using macros to spam the effects of spells, attacks, items, etc. (5)
    Abusing cooldowns on abilities, skills and pet skills (5)
    Exploiting to get more than 61 talent points (5 - Your other characters will be checked. If you have 2 or more characters with more than the allowed talent points, your entire account will be banned)
    Attacking other players while you are mounted. (This does not apply to Flight Forms or Travel forms, or hunter/warlock pets attacking while the master is mounted.) (4)
    Trying to get into places in which you don't belong (eg. GM Island) or cannot get to via legitimate ways. (5-6)
    Using any Spell or Skill while Mounted that is Not intended to be used While mounted in order to give yourself an unfair advantage. (4)
    Riding flying mounts outside of the Outlands. (2)
    Asking GMs to change your character's model or appearance. (1)
    Using a third party program to run more than 1 character at the same time. If you press 1 button and more than 1 character reacts to that single button being pressed, you are breaking this rule. You must directly control each character you use. (5 for each character being controlled)
    Using items/spells that have bugged proc-rates to give yourself an unfair advantage (Example: An item/spell should "proc" (or trigger a "Chance on Hit" effect) 1-2 times per minute, and instead procs 100% of the time) (2)
    Having More Then 2 Primary Professions (ALL professions will be removed if you are caught). (3)
    Items that add elemental damage to each attack that are bugged to give hundreds of damage instead of the intended single digit bonuses (currently includes Fiery Retributer, Storm Gauntlets, Blazefury Medallion, and Fiery Plate Gauntlets) (5)
    Heal-over-Time items that are bugged to give much higher healing values than they should. (3)
    Using any non-Blizzard item that is not listed on the Donations page. (5)
    Stealthing in Arenas in order to attempt to wait out your opponent. This is only punishable in-game - screenshot reports will not be accepted. (2)
    Racial and sexual abuse, slurs and inappropriate comments. (6)
    Any type of Hacking or use of malicious 3rd party programs, including speed/fly/teleport hacking. (6)
    Attacking Same Faction or Friendly NPC's (4)

    Instance and Raid Specific Rules
    *First number listed is for the Raid Leader and anyone that obviously knows what they are doing is wrong (therefore intentionally breaking our rules). The second number is for members of the raid party that may be unaware that a rule was being broken. Keep in mind that if you are caught breaking a rule above, that penalty applies as well.

    Abusing NPC/boss follow distance to pull the boss to an area that was not intended (fight bosses near their spawn point, not across the map) (5/3)
    Pulling bosses into a position so that they attack each other when they should not (Mom fighting Illidan) (5/3)
    Abusing a spell effect to reach areas normally not accessible. (5/3)
    Abusing our servers lack of line of sight restrictions (for instance, the ability to cast spells on targets you can't see) to avoid encountering mobs that are normally required to engage in order to proceed further in the instance. (For example, Die/Rez tactics used in Sunwell) (5/3)
    Hyjal Summit: Pulling Archimonde to the neutral NPCs is not legal in any form. (5/3)
    Hyjal Summit: Using the neutral NPCs to compensate for a lack of raid members is forbidden. For example, if your raid group could not possibley complete the encounter without the neutral NPCs. (5/3)

    PvP and Events

    Leaving the Arena or Battleground starting areas prior to the match starting (in-game reporting only)(4)
    Using any Fear or Horror effect in an Arena is illegal except on BattleGround Server. (2)
    Stealthing in Arenas in order to attempt to wait out your opponent. This is only punishable in-game - screenshot reports will not be accepted. (2)
    Exotic WoW server is a PvP Servers. (Advice)
    On a PvP server, if you can attack it, it's fair game, any level, anywhere. There are no rules against attacking towns, low level players, corpse camping or any other PvP related activities. There are many ways to avoid PvP, if you don't like it learn some of these methods. (Advice)
    Do not complain about being killed by someone (If they break a rule, screenshot it, report them!) (Advice)
    Do not complain that someone killed you in a Duel with a certain ability, ask them BEFORE the fight not to use it. You can always ask for another duel.(Advice)
    PVP situations are not Life & Death situations. Be friendly and respectful to all other players, do not get carried away.(Advice)
    Events are designed to be fun. Do not complain when you lose.(Advice)
    If a person is constantly annoying you, kindly ask them to stop, if they continue, leave the area, or use the IGNORE LIST.(Advice)
    If a person is following, killing, camping or annoying you, ask your guild for help, leave the area or just log out for a while.(Advice)

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